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Plan your IT strategy

How much do you need to scale your licenses up and down in the course of the next couple of years?

A lot of analysis, strategy and insight goes into answering that question!

At twoday we have extensive expertise in the infrastructure disciplines that impact software consumption: Cloud, security, endpoint management and digitalization, to name a few. We use this to help you get a pretty good overview of your current and future needs. Even so, you can’t predict everything:

The travel industry could not have foreseen the need for the drastic, temporary downsizing brought on by the Corona pandemic in 2020. Just as the public sector did not foresee the need for upsizing, that hit them overnight.

The lesson? Flexibility and scalability in your licensing agreement is paramount.


Is a Cloud Service Provider contract the right fit for you?

Most likely. For companies with up to 10,000 users, a Cloud Service Provider contract with a technically competent provider is the best solution.

It allows you to scale up and down at will, as your business evolves and changes. And your provider can provide you with support in implementing and maintaining your products, and continuously monitor and adjust your consumption.

The alternative to getting your Microsoft licenses through a Cloud Service Provider agreement is a three-year Enterprise Agreement (EA) which only allows you to scale up and down once a year and has very limited support with the option to purchase additional support at a high price.

This can be a good match for very large enterprises.

A Cloud Service Provider solution can also be an add-on to an EA, for enterprises who compartmentalize parts of their infrastructure.

Some of the companies, we create value for


More than just licenses. What exactly is a CSP agreement?

Essentially, it’s a piece of paper allowing you to use Microsoft software programs in the cloud. The licensing program provides you with your Microsoft public cloud subscriptions, such as Office365, Enterprise Mobility Suite (EMS), Azure and Dynamics CRM Online.

More and more Microsoft solutions are only sold through the CSP model, making it increasingly important to choose a partner who can offer all current and future Microsoft solutions.

It’s important to remember that the provider who sells the licenses is also your tech support provider, if you need help configuring and implementing those products.


Maximizing CSP success with twoday consultants

When you use twoday as CSP partner, you effectively get our 20 years of endpoint and cloud expertise on the side.

twoday’s CSP consultants takes you through all stages, and help you:

  • Analyze
  • Plan
  • Implement
  • Maintain

It is an ongoing process with regular check-ins, to make sure cost and consumption is always adequate and balanced.

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